A Week of Just Questions
by Dominic Gadoury
A Week of Just Questions — this morning during my meditation I was prompted to think about listening more than talking. As such, in the spirit of experimentation — I am going to speak less and ask more questions this week. So, if you work with me, or have any reason to speak with me — you may get annoyed when I answer a question with a question, but now you know why.
A Week of Just Questions

First, the most obvious benefit of asking questions is that you are constantly learning new information. It’s not just about the facts, but also about the perspectives of those facts. As a product person this is critical because you need your products to be bought and used by lots of different types of people with lots of different experiences and backgrounds.
I’ve always thought that asking questions was a sign of weakness. Instead it’s actually a great way to align two minds. Just the way you ask a question can communicate what you are thinking and bounce that idea off another perspective. The key is to ensure you are asking the question in a way that the individual has all the same information as yourself.
As a Product Leader, how do you approach and use questions to learn and make better decisions?